Solid Rock Ministries: Embracing Transformation, Going Beyond Traditional Structures for Greater Kingdom Impact

Solid Rock Ministries and Glory Enterprises: Transforming Lives and Impacting the 7 Spheres of Society

Solid Rock Ministries and Glory Enterprises recognize the significance of impacting the 7 spheres of society. Through their diverse array of offerings, including online training, videos, courses, membership programs, subscription services, and in-person gatherings, they aim to see people, ministries, and industries transformed by the power of God's Spirit and Word across these spheres.

From education and government to business, media, arts, family, and religion, their mission is to influence and bring about positive change in each sphere, ushering in a greater manifestation of God's Kingdom on Earth. By equipping individuals and engaging with various sectors of society, they strive to be catalysts for societal transformation and the advancement of God's purposes in the world.

Powerful Daily Declarations: Praying over the 7 Mountains for Transformation

and Kingdom Advancement

Monday - Government Mountain:: We declare that righteous leaders are established in positions of authority, guided by wisdom and integrity. May the government uphold justice, promote the common good, and protect the rights and freedoms of all people. We pray for divine wisdom to guide decision-making processes, leading to policies that align with God's principles.

Tuesday - Education Mountain::We declare that education systems are transformed to instill knowledge, wisdom, and character in the next generation. May educators be equipped with wisdom and creativity to inspire and nurture students. We pray for an atmosphere of learning that fosters growth, critical thinking, and a pursuit of truth. Let education be a gateway to discovering one's purpose and potential.

Wednesday - Media Mountain:: We declare that the media becomes a powerful instrument for truth, accountability, and positive influence. May journalists, content creators, and media professionals uphold ethical standards, pursuing unbiased reporting and promoting values that build up society. We pray for a shift in media narratives, where stories of hope, unity, and transformation are highlighted, inspiring hearts and minds.

Thursday - Business Mountain:: We declare that businesses operate with integrity, stewardship, and a heart for the well-being of employees and communities. May entrepreneurs and leaders prioritize ethical practices, fairness, and sustainable growth. We pray for innovative solutions that address societal needs and create opportunities for prosperity and abundance. Let businesses be a force for positive change and economic transformation.

Friday - Arts and Entertainment Mountain: We declare that the arts and entertainment industry becomes a platform for creativity, inspiration, and wholesome values. May artists, performers, and influencers use their gifts to uplift and inspire others. We pray for an infusion of God's beauty and truth in music, film, literature, and all forms of artistic expression. Let the arts captivate hearts and minds with messages of hope, love, and redemption.

Saturday - Family Mountain: We declare that families are strengthened and restored as the foundation of society. May marriages thrive in love, unity, and mutual support. We pray for parents to raise their children in godly wisdom, teaching them values of integrity, respect, and compassion. Let homes be filled with love, forgiveness, and nurturing environments that shape generations to come.

Sunday - Church/Religion Mountain:
We declare that the Church rises in power, unity, and spiritual authority. May believers be filled with a passion for God's presence and a heart for the lost. We pray for revival to sweep across the Church, igniting a hunger for truth, genuine worship, and acts of compassion. Let the Church be a beacon of light, proclaiming the Gospel and demonstrating the love of Christ to all.

In the name of Jesus, we declare these prayers over the seven mountains of influence, believing for transformation, revival, and the advancement of God's Kingdom. Amen.

Embrace Your Authentic Self: Unlocking Your Promised Destiny - Beyond Captivity!

Be Uniquely You: Embrace Your Authenticity and Ignite Your True Identity!

Breaking free from captivity is just the beginning. The journey towards your destined promise awaits. Like the children of Israel liberated from Pharaoh's grasp, now is the time to embark on the transformative path, leaving behind the wilderness and embracing the fulfillment of your divine calling. Don't settle for less; seize the opportunity to enter your Promised Land.

Unlocking Prophetic Revelations: Embrace the Significance of Biblical Months and Experience Divine Insights

Solid Rock Ministries/Glory Enterprises, we are dedicated to embracing a kingdom-minded Hebraic lifestyle and rediscovering our biblical roots. Here, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey as we explore the rich heritage of the early church and its profound influence on our lives today. By returning to the practices, principles, and patterns set forth in the Scriptures, we at Solid Rock Ministries/Glory Enterprises seek to align ourselves with the timeless wisdom and power found in following the early church's example.

Through our engaging articles, resources, and practical insights, we aim to equip and inspire you to live a life that reflects the true essence of God's Word, encompassing biblical application, motive, ministry activity, and fruit-bearing. We invite you to join us as we delve into the depths of God's Word, embracing a lifestyle that resonates with the spirit of the early church. By doing so, you will not only discover a deeper connection with your biblical roots but also experience the abundant blessings that come from walking in alignment with our rich heritage.

Reviving Our Biblical Heritage: Rediscovering the Early Church's Example in Life, Ministry, and Fruitfulness!

We have embarked on a journey to return to our Biblical roots, seeking to follow the example set by the early church in every aspect of our lives: from biblical application to our motives, ministry activities, and the fruit we bear.

According to Yahweh's directives found within God's Word, we faithfully adhere to the Biblical calendar and gather our families weekly for Shabbat, monthly for Rosh Chodesh, and yearly for the Feasts of the Lord. These gatherings hold profound significance for us as we honor and celebrate in alignment with the divine instructions laid out in Scripture.

In addition to the Gregorian calendar, we also embrace the Hebraic calendar, which encompasses the original timing observed in biblical times. By following this calendar, we gain insight into the current month and its significance in our everyday lives. Allow us to share more about the present month and how it holds relevance and meaning for you.

Unveiling Abundant Blessings: Embracing the Fullness of God's Benefits Month by Month, Including the Joy of Rosh Chodesh!

In Psalm 103:2, the Lord instructs us to bless Him and not forget all His benefits. While we often associate this scripture with salvation and healing, it reminds us to acknowledge and appreciate ALL the blessings bestowed upon us.

Each month carries its own unique blessings and benefits, one of which is the celebration of First-fruits or Rosh Chodesh. This observance serves as a reminder of the goodness and provision of the Lord in our lives, highlighting the importance of recognizing and rejoicing in the blessings that come with each passing month.

Tishri - 5785 / 2024
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot

The Month of Tishri (October - November)

Hebraic Month-elul

Tishri - Step Into the New Season, Mo'ed with Almighty God!

Summary of Tishri

Tishri [October - November]

Fall Feasts - Returning to God & experiencing His Glory - Rosh Hoshanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot

Tribe: The month of Ephraim – “be fruitful and multiply”

Hebrew Letter: The month of LAMED – which signifies the aspiration to return to your absolute source.


The “Seventh” month – the dearest of months because all sevens are important,” completion, fulness.”The month to “touch” – Mt. 9 – the woman who pressed through the crowd to receive her healing.The month is linked with awakening and removing that which would keep you from returning.

Constellation: The month of Libra (the scales) – where the deeds of man are weighed and judgment is released.

Color/Stone: Black/BlackOnyx or Agate

Tishri [October] is the month of the Fall feasts… Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot…. Is a time when we are to return to God and experience His glory . It begins the Autumn months and a new season. Its name means " beginning." It is the first month of the year on the Jewish civil calendar (Cycle of Blessing) – this was to begin a new year of peace, health, joy, and provision in God's presence… and the 7th month of the year on the Jewish religious calendar (Cycle of Redemption) – Yahweh rescues us from the effects of sin and restores us to His original plan…..

7 signifies completion or fullness. A month where things are completed and things are beginning.

Tishri begins a new Biblical year it includes 10' days of awe' - days of repentance, leaving behind last season's mistakes/sins, to step into a 'new beginning.' In addition, Yahweh's people build a Sukkah, a place where we can mo'ed (meet) with Him - days of celebration, of receiving God's provision, revelation, and glory.

Tishri is the month the Ark was Brought into the Temple [House]: I Kings 8:1-21 And Solomon gathered the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the sons of Israel, to King Solomon in Jerusalem, so that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of Jehovah out of the city of David, which is Zion. 2 And all the men of Israel were gathered to King Solomon at the feast in the month Ethanim (Tishri), which is the seventh month.

Kings 8:8 says So that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house (Hebrew word ‘bet’) of the LORD.

Tishri Decrees

1. We decree we are RECONCILED TO YOU. We will fulfill our God-given destiny and press in to sense Your presence and experience Your glory. [Le 23:27; Ro 5:10; Col 1:20-22; Ep 2:13]

2. We decree our HEARTS ARE IN READINESS (pliable and transparent) before You. We repent of anything that has drawn us away from You. Lord, draw us closer to You and let us start anew. [Le 16:29; Ez 45:25; Ps 51:10]

3. We decree in this month when the deeds of man are weighted and judged, we REPENT OF ANY VOWS we may have made contrary to your plan for our lives. We break agreement with them. [Le 16:29; 1 Jn 1:9; Mt 12:36]

4. We decree we CLEANSE OURSELVES FROM ANY BITTERNESS that has prevented us from moving forward and completing Your will. [He 12:15; Ep 4:31-32; Mk 11:25]

5. We decree, we are AWARE OF ANY DECEPTIVE PLANS set against us. You have set a guard around us. [Jr 41:1-5; 1 Jn 4:1; Ro 12:2; Js 1:22; Ps 24:3-5; 2 Th 3:3; Pr.18:10]

6. We decree God knows where we are and causes ALL THAT WOULD OVERWHELM US TO RECEDE and be void of power. We await His promises to be fulfilled. [Ge 8:4, Mt 11:28; Je 29:11]

7. We decree we are WELL BALANCED IN You. Lord awaken us to Your purpose, that we might together ready Your altar. [Ezra 3:1,6; Co 3:17; 1 Pt 2:9]

8. We decree, in this season, we are yielded to POSITION OURSELVES for growth, we submit to the process of sonship. [Le 16:29; 2 Ti 2:15; Pr 16:3; 2 Pt 3:18 ]

9. We decree we are NO LONGER WANDERING to and fro, that which was scattered will return. We tabernacle with You to receive of Your harvest. [Le 23: 39; Js 5:19-20; Re 21:3; 1 Jn 2:27; Jn 14:23]

10. We decree as we hear the sound of the shofar, we acknowledge YOU ARE OUR REDEEMER, we enter into Your goodness. [Le 25:9; Titus 2:14; Ps 107:2; Nu 10:9]

11. We decree as Your strong covenant remnant; we seek Your glory. This glory will be greater than the former, for You are in our midst. [Ha 2:1-5, 9; Ro 11:5; Is 28:5]

12. We decree, like Ephraim, in all we do we are FRUITFUL. Lord release unusual authority and multiply and release the culture of heaven upon the earth. [1 Ch 27:10, 2 Co 9:8; ??; Lk 10:19; Mt 28:18]

13. We decree as we give, God commands the BLESSINGS TO FALL UPON US in heaps. He is the God of abundance. [2 Ch 31:7; Ma 3:10; Ph 4:19; 2 Co 9:8; 3 Jn 2; Ps 65:11; Lk 6:38]

14. We decree, as we hear the sound of the trumpet in this season we will rise and take our place as watchmen in the land. [Ps. 81:3; Je 6:16-19; Joel 2]

I am your only God, the living God. Wasn’t I the one who broke the strongholds over you and raised you up out of bondage?

Open your mouth with a mighty decree; I will fulfill it now, you’ll see!

The words that you speak, so shall it be! Psalms 81:10

To learn more about the Biblical months and/or buy A Time To Advance by Chuck D. Pierce and Robert Heidler visit

Another amazing source for understanding of the Biblcal months is Curt Landry's website:

Kingdom Giving: Sow into Reaping the Harvest and Receive Eternal Rewards!

Expanding the Kingdom of God: Your Support Transforms Lives and Nations!

“Give generously and generous gifts will be given back to you, shaken down to make room for more. Abundant gifts will pour out upon you with such an overflowing measure that it will run over the top! Your measurement of generosity becomes the measurement of your return.” Luke 6:38 TPT

Every day, our ministry has a profound impact on individuals and nations alike. Last year we reach into 94 nations with our teachings, podcast, and books, many experience life-changing revelations. Our actions, love, and intercession are shifting individuals, cities, and affecting entire nations.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generous contribution, which enables us to continue this transformative work.